AB0241 Relationship between leptin and disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

JADJ Batún Garrido, IE Juárez Rojop, M Salas Magaña, Έ Hernández Núñez, F Olán
2017 Abstracts Accepted for Publication   unpublished
scores in RA patients treated with TCZ. PGA was the major limiting factor for not achieving ACR/EULAR Boolean remission criteria, and in this sub-group of patients the same positive correlation between higher PGA and fatigue scores was found, not present in the rest of the cohort. These results enhance the influence of fatigue in patients' perspectives of disease and reinforce the limitations of using PGA to define RA activity and remission. Furthermore, considering the influence of TCZ in
more » ... ue mechanisms, by blocking IL-6 receptor, we still found high fatigue scores in this cohort, which can enhance the complex physiopathology of fatigue in chronic inflammatory diseases, and the role of several other cytokines (IL-1, TNF-α). This effect and comparison with RA patients treated with anti-TNF-α can be explored further in larger prospective studies.
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-eular.6722 fatcat:3ma4p66iwfgpfokeix6ilkbbzu