The Impact of Experiential Learning Method and Vocabolary Mastery Toward Indonesiaon Students' Reading Comprehension Though Animation Video

Syafrizal Syafrizal
2019 Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists  
The research aim is to find out the influence of using experiential learning and animation video as a method toward students' reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery. This research uses a quantitative experiment approach by using a survey technique. The instrument using test validity and reliability. The respondents of this research are all of the 7 th graders in Al Inayah Islamic Junior High School in Cilegon city they are 86 students in Stratified Random Sampling. This research combining
more » ... a method and media toward reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery. Based on the analysis results of computation using SPSS 17.0, it showed that the value of t-count (0.475) for the experiential learning method is greater than the t-table (1.416), then H0 is refused and H1 is received. Furthermore, the value of the t-count (0.475) for animation is higher than the t-table (1.078). Therefore, the value of the t-count (0.475) for vocabulary mastery is higher than the t-table (1.161). In other words, there is a significant influence of the experiential learning method and animation video toward students' reading comprehension and students' vocabulary mastery.
doi:10.17478/jegys.531412 fatcat:wzykbskyxncd7jub5uontrczwe