Feminisation of poverty: rural Indian women and the environment

Gitanjali Nain Gill
2020 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly  
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 63(2) 292 3 To strengthen the role of women in sustainable development, Agenda 21's recommendations included: reviewing policies and increasing the proportion of women as decision-makers, managers, planners; strengthening women's NGOs; eliminating illiteracy among females by providing education; supporting and strengthening equal employment opportunity and equitable remuneration for women; facilitating and increasing rural women's access to credit and
more » ... l inputs; eliminating negative images, attitudes and prejudices against women; establishing and strengthening preventive and curative health practices.
doi:10.53386/nilq.v63i2.387 fatcat:hssl7pkxobb3tfa4qmohxc7p3a