Basic Research for Volleyball Instruction in Physical Education Class

2020 Journal of Volleyball Sciences  
The purpose of this study is to obtain basic data that can be used in physical education classes by extracting the points of technical acquisition from teaching reference books and categorizing them from a kinematic point of view for technical guidance on volleyball spikes in school physical education. The results are summarized and presented in terms of the four structural phases of spike movement. 1)Approach phase"Approach from spiker's position" ① Pre-approach ② Before take-off 2)Take-off
more » ... se"Take-off and jump" ③ Take-off ④ Jump 3)Arm motion phase"Arm motion and spiking form" ⑤ Before hitting the ball ⑥ Hitting the ball ⑦ After hitting the ball 4)Landing phase"Landing" ⑧ Landing form
doi:10.24685/jsvr.22.1_49 fatcat:733lw3os6fbfbmqe3zfjenti4q