Issues on the Absolute Neutron Emission Measurement at ITER

Mamiko SASAO, Masao ISHIKAWA, Guoliang YUAN, Kaushal PATEL, Shrichand JAKHAR, Yuri KASHCHUK, Luciano BERTALOT
2013 Plasma and Fusion Research  
Fusion power output of ITER is measured by a group of neutron flux monitors combined with a neutron activation system and neutron profile monitors. These systems should be absolutely calibrated by use of DD/DT generators moving inside the ITER vacuum vessel (in-situ calibration). Each neutron monitor has a limited measurement range of emission rate, but the ranges are connected by cross-calibration using the ITER plasma with at least one decade overlapping. The over all dynamic range covered by
more » ... the group of neutron flux monitors is 10 14 n/sec to 10 21 n/sec. Effects of vertical/radial movement of plasma on the measurement accuracy were reviewed. It was found that cross-calibration using specially planned jog shots, and a vertical neutron camera is important to minimize the inaccuracy caused by the plasma movement.
doi:10.1585/pfr.8.2402127 fatcat:4daq5temmneabkea5b5ip2sbve