الموجهات الإرشادية لإعداد الدراسات التفصيلية وتحديد خطوات تنفيذ المشاريع من أجــــل قيام مشاريع ناجحة من الفكرة الى التشغييل

Abdel Karim A. Hassaan, Tagelsir H. Abdelatti
2021 FES Journal of Engineering Sciences  
This paper was prepared to introduce the importance of knowledge and awareness by adhering to international standards when establishing large economic projects (> 1.0 m $) through preparing a detailed feasibility study. This includes all stages of the project (from idea to operation) and identifies project outputs and indicators of success, in order to establish best projects and for the optimal use of public money, based on a comparison and clarification with some successful projects to
more » ... from their experience. In fact, most projects in the Sudan are not studied and implemented according to a disciplined professional hierarchy and international standards, which often leads to their failure. Therefore, defining this problem and describing the solution should be a professional duty, the greater of which is located in the economic, engineering, the administrative, and the executive sectors, but the opinion of the civil engineer still remains as a key factor from the idea to the operational (Rule of Thumb). To solve this problem, we proposed simple guidelines for establishing projects from the idea to the operating, benefiting from our experience with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and the Islamic Development Bank, and guidelines from consultant homes and financing institutions in this regard. Finally, we think that our suggested guidelines can be used as basic platform for all those involved and those in charge of these projects, so that the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (the largest financier) can end up as binding directors (along the lines of purchase and contracting laws and regulations) to obtain the funding required to implement projects public financed with loans or grants by global or local funding agencies.
doi:10.52981/fjes.v9i3.698 fatcat:k5g5kiki6raohipwdlag66b7hm