Optimised multicomponent geothermometer MulT_predict

Lars H. Ystroem, Fabian Nitschke, Thomas Kohl
Geothermometry is used for reservoir temperature estimation since the 1960s. Different kind of solute, gas, and isotopic geothermometers has been evolved and further developed. We are focusing on solute geothermometery, using the multicomponent approach by Reed and Spycher (1984) and combined it with an optimisation process suggested by Nitschke et al. (2017). Therefore, IPhreeqC by Parkhurst and Appelo (2013) and Matlab were coupled. Thus, the geochemical output of IPhreeqC is numerically
more » ... ated and optimised with Matlab. Sensitive parameters, e.g. pH-value, and aluminium concentration etc. are varied simultaneously to minimise the temperature difference between multiple mineral phases, used as geothermometer. MulT_predict with its implemented optimisation leads to more accurate temperature estimations with lesser variance of error.
doi:10.5445/ir/1000132786 fatcat:auexsijsp5b33nt6j3c7q5a2pq