Tamper‐indicating seals for nuclear disarmament and hazardous waste management

Roger G. Johnston
2001 Science and Global Security  
Tamper-indicating seals have important applications in many areas, including nuclear disarmament and hazardous waste management. There are, however, many theoretical and practical problems with current seals and seal usage, as well as with tamper detection in general. Most current seals appear to be highly vulnerable to simple and rapid attacks, although this can change with improvements to the seals or to how they are used. Few seals appear to be designed with disarmament and waste management
more » ... pplications in mind. Better seals are possible, especially if new approaches and technologies can be exploited. Seals based on sophisticated technology, however, do not automatically provide better security.
doi:10.1080/08929880108426490 fatcat:2fyxzb6slrgm3dw76kvz5zpatm