Empirical research on learning required for teachers who need to continue to learn : From the perspective of transformational learning
学び続ける教師に求められる学習に関する実証研究 : 変容的学習の視点から

Empirical research on learning required for teachers who need to continue to learn From the perspective of transformational learning Harumi YOSHIMURA, Sota FUKUSHIMA The purpose of this study is to empirically verify whether the transformational learning required for teachers who need to continue to learn is promoted by formal training participation. It was conducted a questionnaire survey for teachers who participated in and did not participate in the " 21st Century Teachers Program " jointly
more » ... onducted by City A and the Teachers Initiative. The program lasted for six months, and three surveys (Times 1, 2, and 3) were conducted to capture changes in transformative learning. As a result of the survey, in the program participation group and non-participation group, " self-reflection " , " confusing dilemma " , and " perspective transformation " , which are subscales of transformational learning, increased significantly from Time1 to Time2. In addition, from Time 1 to Time 3, " selfreflection " and " transformation of perspective " were significantly increased only in the TI participating group. Therefore, it can be said that TI has the effect of promoting transformational learning.
doi:10.15083/0002000556 fatcat:tw6t64n7rnb4jdik5nmvhrgawu