Jonathan Floyd (2019). What's the Point of Political Philosophy? Medford, MA: Polity Press

Daniil I. Kokin
2020 Changing Societies & Personalities  
During a conversation with scholars concerned with political philosophy, it is highly likely to hear that only political philosophers themselves are fond of reflecting upon their subject. It is far more fascinating to discover the field through vivid examples, key concepts, notable authors, or relevant political events that bother us. Numerous introductory books on political philosophy usually introduce the subject to a reader exactly this way. This concerns both monographs and collected
more » ... Take, for example, Oxford Very Short Introduction written by David Miller (2003) , or Blackwell's Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy (Goodin, Pettit & Pogge, 2007) . However, the audience may vary: some books are made for students to "ease their sufferings" (Mansfield, 2001) , as well as for politicians (Swift, 2019) , or for the general public (Parvin & Chambers, 2012) , or, of course, for scholars themselves (Estlund, 2012) . However, all these introductions have certain drawbacks. Jonathan Floyd's new book What's the Point of Political Philosophy? is special in this context. Although it is considered as introductory reading, it proposes an original and vivid approach. It is relatively short, written in a simple and lively language, has great examples, discusses current cases, and includes ideas and arguments from key figures in political philosophy. Finally, this book is universal, that is, everyone can find something useful for oneself. The aim of the book is to provide "an original but accessible account of our subject" (p. 4). Political philosophy has three main tasks or points: to analyze ideas, to critique them, and to attempt to order them in the best way possible. The fourth point is "to reflect upon these very points" (p. 3). The author distinguishes three groups of potential readers that can have their points of the book. Scholars can "push forward our understanding of the nature, methods, and purposes of our field" (p. 4). Students can use it as the subject guide and methodological
doi:10.15826/csp.2019.3.4.085 fatcat:fsnxkjiforfurdb4ftifntscyq