Elevated EN1 expression distinguishes basal-like human breast cancer [post]

Shahan Mamoor
2022 unpublished
Patients diagnosed with basal-like breast cancer face a more aggressive disease course and more dismal prognosis than patients diagnosed with luminal A and luminal B breast cancer molecular subtypes (1-4). We mined published microarray data (5, 6) to understand in an unbiased fashion the most distinguishing transcriptional features of tumors from patients with basal or basal-like subtype breast cancer. We observed transcriptome-wide differential expression of engrailed homeobox 1, EN1, when
more » ... aring tumors of patients with basal-like breast cancer with that of other PAM50 molecular subtypes. EN1 mRNA was present at significantly higher quantities in the tumors of patients with basal-like breast cancer. Analysis of patient survival data revealed that EN1 primary tumor expression was correlated with distant metastasis-free survival in patients with breast cancer. Elevated EN1 expression appears to distinguish basal-like human breast cancer from the other molecular subtypes.
doi:10.31219/osf.io/rc25j fatcat:fbe2736c2fhptod3fpwaf377ue