Application of functional modelling for monitoring of WTG in a cyber-physical environment

Theis Bo Rasmussen, Guangya Yang, Arne Hejde Nielsen, Zhao Yang Dong
2018 IET Cyber-Physical Systems  
Decentralisation of generation and increasing utilisation of information communication systems bring challenges to present power system modelling approaches. This work applies functional modelling for monitoring and modelling of distributed energy resources, with wind turbine generator (WTG) application as a case study. First, the authors established a functional model of a generic WTG through the multilevel flow modelling approach. The model acts as basis of a state estimator (SE) for
more » ... g the WTG. Afterwards, the application of the SE is extended for wind power plant monitoring and control. The case study results show that the SE can efficiently limit the impact of information errors from different data integrity attacks during active power curtailment.
doi:10.1049/iet-cps.2017.0109 fatcat:rwbwpcco5jag3nle2sjiyh7cdu