About Internet Archive Scholar
Hvordan det fungerer
Content in this search index comes in one of three forms:
- public web content as preserved in The Wayback Machine and Archive-It partner collections
- digitized print materials from paper and microform collections
- general materials from archive.org collections, including collaborations with partners
This 2019 FORCE11 conference presentation gives an overview of the technical infrastructure and goals of the project overall.
Metadata comes from fatcat, a public bibliographic database of scholarly work.
Tekst og datautvinning
We intend to provide researcher access to the full corpus for text and data mining purposes. Derived datasets may also be posted publicly for analysis, for example a citation graph or N-gram frequencies by year. If you are interested or would like to see specific datasets made available, please contact us at scholar@archive.org.
Currently snapshots of the full fatcat metadata corpus and upstream metadata sources are uploaded periodically to the Bulk Bibliographic Metadata collection on archive.org. Read more in the Fatcat Guide.
Authors and Publishers
In alignment with its mission, Internet Archive makes automated attempts to capture and preserve all open access research publications on the public web. If your open access journal articles aren’t currently included in Internet Archive Scholar, you can fill out the Internet Archive Scholar inclusion form to share journal URLs for crawling. Please note that it will take at least 3 months from the time you submit this form until your content starts to appear in Internet Archive Scholar. Emails about the status of your content sent less than 3 months after submitting this form will not be answered. Additional information specifically for publishers can be found in the Fatcat guide. This includes guidelines for having content indexed and preserved.
Contact Information
Queries about this search service and the fatcat catalog can be directed to scholar@archive.org.Support and Acknowledgements
Work on Internet Archive Scholar has received support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation through multiple phases of the "Ensuring the Persistent Access of Open Access Journal Literature" project (see original announcement).
See additional acknowledgements on fatcat.