Dalit Feminism: A Voice for the Voiceless in Aruna Gogulamanda's "A Dalit Woman in the Land of Goddesses" release_zxivhma6srdgvdfcz6ga3mdk6y

by P Gopika Unni

Published in Shanlax International Journal of English by Shanlax International Journals.

2020   p42-44


Dalit Feminism is feminism, which has great significance in the contemporary casteist society. It aims at equality, right, and justice for the lowest strata of the society, that is, Dalit Women. Aruna Gogulamanda's "A Dalit Woman in the land of Goddesses" focuses on the double-edged swordf marginalization, which a Dalit woman has to suffer in the patriarchal casteist era, both as a woman and also as a Dalit. She is a poet who articulates her voice for the voiceless section of the society, that is, the Dalit women, who are suppressed in the hands of male chauvinism.
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Stage   published
Date   2020-06-02
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ISSN-L:  2320-2645
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