@article{ciuta_schiavon_chistè_ragazzi_rada_tubino_badea_apostol_2012, title={ROLE OF FEEDSTOCK TRANSPORT IN THE BALANCE OF PRIMARY PM EMISSIONS IN TWO CASE-STUDIES: RMSW INCINERATION VS. SINTERING PLANT}, volume={74}, abstractNote={Some preliminary considerations are presented on the role of direct particulate matter emissions vs induced transport emissions for two kinds of plants: incinerator and sintering plant. The developed balances demonstrate that in terms of total amount emitted, the emissions from not optimized transport of raw materials are comparable with the ones from the stacks of the sintering plant. That means it is important to promote initiatives for the adoption of modern engines in the transport system.}, author={Ciuta and Schiavon and Chistè and Ragazzi and Rada and Tubino and Badea and Apostol}, year={2012} }