@article{surolia_surolia_dixit_sharma_2016, title={Five Year Trend Analysis of a tertiary level Gynecological Hospital of Rajasthan: A cross sectional study}, abstractNote={Healthcare resources need to maintain pace with the increasing population and expectations. So this record based trend analysis was done from records of year 2005 to 2009 of a tirtiary care hospital of Rajasthan India. It was revealed from this study that OPD cases, IPD cases, total operations including major and minor operations, LSCS and total deliveries conducted were on increase trend with the time but sterilizations and MTPs were on decreased trend with the time. Maximum change was observed in MTP (-79.38%) followed by institutional deliveries (46.79%), IPD cases (37.44%), LSCS (29.8%), Minor operations (22.25%), minor operations (17.75%), OPD cases (5.57%) and sterilizations (-3.41%) but this change was towards downwards in MTP and sterilization otherwise it was on upwards in other variables}, author={Surolia and Surolia and Dixit and Sharma}, year={2016} }