Influence of Various Lifestyle and Psychosocial Factors on Sleep Disturbances among the College Students: A Cross-Sectional Study from an Urban Area of India
Yugantara R. Kadam,
Saket R. Patil,
Vivek Waghachavare,
Alka D. Gore
2016 p51-60
Background: Sleep occupies nearly 1/3rd of our life and
is essential for overall growth and stability. Sleep
deprivation results weakening of physical functions,
mental health problems like depression and lowering of
productivity, thus resulting in loss to an individual and
society. Aim and Objectives: Sleep is essential for
physical and mental stability. Its deprivation lowers
work productivity and results in mental problem like
depression. Various lifestyle and psychosocial factors
may have impact on the sleep. In the western countries
the subject is amply explored; however studies on
student from developing countries like India are
limited. Our objective was to study the extent of sleep
disturbance and associated factors among the
graduating college students. Material and Methods: It
is a cross-sectional study conducted in Arts, Commerce
and Science graduating college students from an urban
area. The sampling technique was cluster random
sampling with the sample size of 890. A pretested, selfadministered
questionnaire was used as a study tool.
Statistical Analysis was done using percentages, chisquare
test and bi-variate logistic regression. Results:
The mean duration of sleep reported by the 900 study
subjects was 7.3 hours (std. deviation 1 hour). Any sleep
disturbance was reported by 826 (91.8%) subjects; with
day time sleepiness (77.5%) and difficulty in falling
asleep (65.4%) being the commonest complaint. Sleep
disturbance score was associated with exercise, outdoor
games and tea / coffee intake. It was also associated
with nocturnal use of mobiles and feeling depressed.
Conclusion: Sleep disturbances were present in
majority of college students with day time sleepiness as
its commonest manifestation. Various lifestyle and
psychosocial factors had impact on the sleep. Proper
lifestyle modification and good family environment areimportant to avoid sleep disturbances among the
college students.
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