Policy Innovation of The Cikolelet Village Government in Developing the Village into a Tourism Village release_znwyyetoe5d7rjclproeyd6qwe

by Rahmawati Rahmawati, Hartuti Purnaweni, Hardi Warsono, Tri Yuniningsih

Published in Jurnal Public Policy by Universitas Teuku Umar.

2023   Volume 9, Issue 4, p232


Policy innovations made by the Cikolelet Village Government to become a tourist village and various village development efforts are efforts to overcome various problems faced by the village government and the community. The policy innovation is to change from underdeveloped villages to developing and advanced villages in 2021 according to the Village Development Index indicators. In 2017 Cikolelet Village was designated as the first tourist village in Serang Regency.  Policy innovation is a major part of the transformation process or creating irreversible transformations based on a set of new order principles. Indicators of policy innovation, namely the creation stage, design stage and implementation stage according to Robert and King, are used as an analysis knife as well as innovation attributes according to Rogers to complete the description of Cikolelet Village Government's policy innovation in developing tourist villages.  The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Key informants consisted of the Cikolelet village head, Pokdarwis head Anindya Pramita, Bumdes director and Cikolelet village officials. Data analysis used source triangulation according to Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the innovation of tourism village development policies in Cikolelet Village has run optimally, marked by the achievement of the 2021 ADWI award as the Most Favorite Tourism Village and encouraging other tourism villages in Serang Regency to adopt Cikolelet Village's tourism development policy innovations.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2023-10-30
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