Dávila-Seijo, Dauden, Descalzo, Carretero, Carrascosa, Vanaclocha, Gómez-García, Cueva-Dobao, Herrera-Ceballos, Belinchón, López-Estebaranz, Alsina, Sánchez-Carazo, Ferrán, Torrado, Ferrandiz, Rivera, Llamas, Jiménez-Puya, García-Doval, Zafrilla, Muñoz-Santos, Mendiola-Fernández, Roldán, Ruiz-Genao, Echeverría, Mejías, 2017. Infections in Moderate to Severe Psoriasis Patients Treated with Biological Drugs Compared to Classic Systemic Drugs: Findings from the BIOBADADERM Registry 137.. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jid.2016.08.034