@article{terenteva_pavelchuk_university_2021, title={INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS AS A FACTOR OF EFFECTIVE ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT}, volume={300}, DOI={10.31891/2307-5740-2021-300-6-39}, abstractNote={In today's competitive environment, companies must constantly interact with existing and potential customers. At the same time, the basic tools of marketing communications are no longer effective enough. An integrated approach to the formation of a complex of marketing communications is thus able to help companies strategically build communication with consumers. Multilateral study of the concept of integrated marketing communications and its differences from the complex of marketing communications is the basis for determining its role in the formation of communications between businesses and consumers. Modern companies are constantly trying to find new ways to communicate with consumers and improve existing ones; to convince consumers of the quality and benefits of their product. That is why marketing communications play a crucial role in creating and maintaining relationships with consumers. Increasing competition in the market increases the interest in building stable and integrated relationships. A successful combination of different marketing tools forms an integrated marketing communications as a holistic system of enterprise activities aimed at achieving maximum economic efficiency from the synthesis of various marketing tools and principles of communication process management. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a strategy that shifts the marketing department from individual functions to a single interconnected approach. IMC covers different marketing channels and combines them into one clear message.The composition of integrated marketing communications of a particular enterprise depends on its industry affiliation, innovation activity and stage of the product life cycle, so much so that the formation of integrated marketing communications of innovation-active industrial enterprises should ensure the suitability of their basic tools.}, publisher={Khmelnytskyi National University}, author={TerentevA, Nataliya and PAVELCHUK, Ye. and University}, year={2021}, month={Dec} }