@article{sonal_india._jasmine_pratyay kumar_parminder_shahbaz_india._india._india._india._2021, title={Virology, Molecular Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2: A Systematic Review}, volume={23}, DOI={10.51201/jusst/21/08410}, abstractNote={After past episodes of Zika, Nipah and Ebola viruses and also previous emergencies due to other viruses like swine flu and bird flu viruses, now in 21st century global disaster caused by nCoV virus. As the virus is still investigated for proper identification, there are very less option in choosing the proper detection method. So we have reviewed various article for giving an idea about pathogenesis and diagnostic methods. We had screened Google Scholar database with the keywords nCoV pathogenesis, molecular immune pathogenesis of COVID-19, virology of SARS-CoV-2, diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 and advancement of nCoV diagnosis. In the final review we have included a total of 84 articles. As a result we have reviewed the molecular virology along with molecular pathogenesis of COVID-19 in human body. We have found various ongoing researches on detection of nCoV related to nucleic acid amplification test, different types of RT-qPCR, serological assay and different HRCT methods.}, number={08}, publisher={ADD Technologies}, author={Sonal, Vyas and India. and Jasmine, Kaur and Pratyay Kumar, Pahari and Parminder, Nain and Shahbaz, Aman and India. and India. and India. and India.}, year={2021}, month={Aug} }