Assessment of Bread Safety: A Review of Potassium Bromate Level in Breads Sold and Consumed in Nigeria release_ysvtjwe3nfatzbpq6eaeiu2pt4

by Olabode Omotoso

Published in Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.

2021   Volume 10, p140-144


Bread is a staple food across the world, especially in Nigeria. Potassium bromate is widely used by bakers to enhance bread elasticity, functionality, and quality. Due to its toxicity, the use of potassium bromate in bread production in Nigeria was banned by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC); the regulatory agency for food and pharmaceutical products in 2003. This review aims to assess the compliance levels of potassium bromate used in the production of low and high-cost bread consumed across Nigeria. 17 selected articles across the six geopolitical zones were evaluated. This review identified that most of the bread sold and consumed in Nigeria contained potassium bromate in quantities above the permissible limit. Surprisingly, even bread labeled as "bromate-free", "with NAFDAC registration number" and sold at high-costs also contained potassium bromate in excess concentration. This implies that many bread sold in Nigeria are unsafe for human consumption. Due to the deleterious effects of potassium bromate, its continual usage and consumption above the safe limit is a threat to the total well-being of the consumers. Its use in the bread-making industry also poses a serious health occupational hazard to bakers. Bread makers should opt for other alternative dough conditioners such as ascorbic acid, glucose oxidase, and potassium iodate for bread production. NAFDAC should put in more proactive measures to ensure constant monitoring of food products pre-and post-production to guarantee adherence to its regulatory standards and the safety of human life.
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