@article{bewley_mackay_cook_1986, title={TEMPORAL VARIATION FOR THE EXPRESSION OF CATALASE IN DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER: CORRELATIONS BETWEEN RATES OF ENZYME SYNTHESIS AND LEVELS OF TRANSLATABLE CATALASE-MESSENGER RNA}, volume={113}, DOI={10.1093/genetics/113.4.919}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Two variants that alter the temporal expression of catalase have been isolated from a set of third chromosome substitution lines. Each variant has been mapped to a cytogenetic interval flanked by the visible markers st (3-44.0) and cu (3-50.0) at a map position of 47.0, which is within or near the interval 75D-76A previously identified as containing the catalase structural gene on the bases of dosage responses to segmental aneuploidy. Each variant operates by modulating the rate of enzyme synthesis and the level of translatable catalase-mRNA.}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Bewley, Glenn C and Mackay, William J and Cook, Julia L}, year={1986}, month={Aug} }