Development and Preliminary Validation of Self-management Scale for Breast Cancer Patients in a tertiary hospital in southeastern Nigeria release_yrstlymf4zaldoqvfyem5moelm

by Nneoma Ngozi Okpalanma, Brian Onyebuchi Ogbonna

Published in Basic and Clinical Cancer Research by Knowledge E DMCC.



Background: Self-management process of diseases aims to equip patients with specific information that will improve adherence with prescribed medication and develop strategies that will help to maintain good quality of life. This study developed and validated a self-management scale for breast cancer patients in two tertiary hospitals in southeastern, Nigeria.
 Methods: A set of 35-potential self-management model was developed for the breast cancer patients in 2 domains from extensive literature search. The Instrument was validated using Delphi technique, item-total correlation analysis, factor analysis, construct validity and reliability analysis. Consensus was reached on the content validation of the self-management scale with mean score > 3.5, median > 3.5, absolute value between the median and mode < 1.00.
 Results: Forty-three items emerged after content validation in 2 domains: demographic characteristics of patients, and self-management content. Construct validity for selected items of the instrument showed values above 0.5. Item-total correlation analysis resulted in 31-items of the instrument. Factor analysis revealed a multi-dimensional instrument. The internal consistency of the instrument was determined with values between 0.5 - 0.8. The Cronbach's alpha for the reliability of the items of the instrument were : Items 1 to 11: 0.60; Items 12 to 17: 0.60; Items 18 and 19: 0.80; Items 20 to 30: 0.50; and Items 31 to 33: 0.60.
 Conclusion: Preliminary validation of the instrument showed the instrument is valid but the internal consistency needs to be evaluated further with larger population size. The self-management scale revealed level of self-management among the breast cancer patients. This instrument should form a reliable tool for evaluating self-management in breast cancer patients in Nigeria.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2024-01-13
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