Analysis of Bladder Cancer Staging Prediction Using Deep Residual Neural Network, Radiomics, and RNA-Seq from High-Definition CT Images release_youth7occ5hytodnsl7ptmy2nq

by Yao Zhou, Xingju Zheng, Zhucheng Sun, Bo Wang

Published in Genetics Research by Hindawi Limited.

2024   Volume 2024, p1-11


Bladder cancer has recently seen an alarming increase in global diagnoses, ascending as a predominant cause of cancer-related mortalities. Given this pressing scenario, there is a burgeoning need to identify effective biomarkers for both the diagnosis and therapeutic guidance of bladder cancer. This study focuses on evaluating the potential of high-definition computed tomography (CT) imagery coupled with RNA-sequencing analysis to accurately predict bladder tumor stages, utilizing deep residual networks. Data for this study, including CT images and RNA-Seq datasets for 82 high-grade bladder cancer patients, were sourced from the TCIA and TCGA databases. We employed Cox and lasso regression analyses to determine radiomics and gene signatures, leading to the identification of a three-factor radiomics signature and a four-gene signature in our bladder cancer cohort. ROC curve analyses underscored the strong predictive capacities of both these signatures. Furthermore, we formulated a nomogram integrating clinical features, radiomics, and gene signatures. This nomogram's AUC scores stood at 0.870, 0.873, and 0.971 for 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year predictions, respectively. Our model, leveraging radiomics and gene signatures, presents significant promise for enhancing diagnostic precision in bladder cancer prognosis, advocating for its clinical adoption.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2024-04-30
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ISSN-L:  0016-6723
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