@inproceedings{щербакова_молдова_кручан_пынзару_волощук_молдова_молдова_молдова_2020, title={Антагонизм новых изолятов грибов рода Trichoderma по отношению к патогену Alternaria Sp., выделенному из ореха грецкого}, DOI={10.53040/9789975347204.39}, abstractNote={The research is aimed at studying the antagonistic relationships of five isolates of the genus Trichoderma fungi in relation to the Alternaria sp. fungus. The pathogen was isolated from diseased walnut leaves. In the work was used the method of double cultures on agar media. As a result, 160 the inhibition rate of Alternaria pathogen by Trichoderma fungi was determined. For isolate №3 the rate was 90%, for isolate №2 - 85%, isolate №4 inhibited the pathogen by 75%, isolate №1 - by 65%. Isolate №5 and strains T.virens and T. lignorum suppressed the growth of Alternaria by 40-50%.}, publisher={Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection, Republic of Moldova}, author={Щербакова, Татьяна and Молдова and Кручан, Штефан and Пынзару, Борис and Волощук, Леонид and Молдова and Молдова and Молдова}, year={2020} }