NOUVEAU JOUQNAL DE CHIMIE VOLUME 5, NUMERO 2 FEVRIER 1981 Code NJCHD 4 5 (2) 71-133 ISBN 2-222-96020-7 SOMMAIRE release_yat4ddab3rhi7jfdaxjeow5hue

by Communications Louis, Y Agnus, R Weiss, J Gisselbrecht, M Gross, Strasbourg, Knpchel, D Seebach, G Arsenault, K Jankowski, E Luce, R Bender (+26 others)

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A. Mitschier (Strasbourg) 71 Bimetallic macrocyclic complexes as mimics for type 3 copper pairs in copper enzymes: electron transfer properties in \ Cu2 (N3)AC L\ 75 Nitroallylation par le nitro-2 pivaloyloxy-3 propene. Un roactif a 2 /a 2 '. 79 Condensation de Die Is-A Id er de la moth ylvin ylcotone avec la N-moth yl ρ yrid one · 2 en präsence de SnCI^ 81 High yield preparation of Ptb (CO)6 [P(C6H5)3]4; its use in mixed-metal clusters synthesis. Preparation and molecular structure
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