@article{lea_shonkwiler_1988, title={Misspecification in Simultaneous Systems: An Alternative Test and Its Application to a Model of the Shrimp Market}, volume={20}, DOI={10.1017/s008130520001760x}, abstractNote={Abstract Concern over the effects of public policies based on misspecified econometric models motivates interest in a procedure to test, diagnose, and improve the specification of models that have been estimated with three-stage least squares. A test of system-wide specification based on Hausman's specification test is employed in a test of the a priori restrictions placed on the parameters of a structural model of the U.S. shrimp market. The null hypothesis of proper specification is rejected. After diagnosis via a comparison of unrestricted and restricted reduced forms and respecification, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected.}, number={02}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Lea and Shonkwiler}, year={1988} }