@article{christodoulou_tharani_2017, title={The post-referendum representation of Brexit in two British newspapers: a critical discourse analysis.}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.4482459}, abstractNote={Abstract
Brexit is an issue of major concern both for the United Kingdom and the European Union given the political, economic and social dimensions that it carries. Throughout this study, we tried to investigate the discursive representation of Brexit in two British newspapers – The Times and The Guardian - on the 25th June 2016, two days after the British referendum took place, through a critical discourse analysis. We examined the linguistic features employed for the expression of certain attitudes towards Brexit from these two newspapers and answered the question whether these features serve in supporting or challenging the dominant discourses on Brexit in a wider social context. The analysis of our data resulted in the identification of certain representations of Brexit (Brexit is consistently represented as a negative definite fact that expresses the rise of populism globally, threatens the unity of Europe and is the result of a fundamental breach of trust between institutions and people), revealed the predominance of the national identity discourse in the representation of Brexit and highlighted the differences between the discursive practices of the two broadsheets.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Christodoulou, Anastasia and Tharani, Soraya}, year={2017}, month={Jun} }