Proposal to Consider Chemical/Physical Microenvironment as a New Therapeutic Off-Target Approach release_y2324oc2vvdfjnejndalkhsigq

by Alessandro Giuliani, stefano fais

Published in Pharmaceutics by MDPI AG.

2022   Volume 14, Issue 10, p2084


The molecular revolution could lead drug discovery from chance observation to the rational design of new classes of drugs that could simultaneously be more effective and less toxic. Unfortunately, we are witnessing some failure in this sense, and the causes of the crisis involve a wide range of epistemological and scientific aspects. In pharmacology, one key point is the crisis of the paradigm the "magic bullet", which is to design therapies based on specific molecular targets. Drug repurposing is one of the proposed ways out of the crisis and is based on the off-target effects of known drugs. Here, we propose the microenvironment as the ideal place to direct the off-targeting of known drugs. While it has been extensively investigated in tumors, the generation of a harsh microenvironment is also a phenotype of the vast majority of chronic diseases. The hostile microenvironment, on the one hand, reduces the efficacy of both chemical and biological drugs; on the other hand, it dictates a sort of "Darwinian" selection of those cells armed to survive in such hostile conditions. This opens the way to the consideration of the microenvironment as a convenient target for pharmacological action, with a clear example in proton pump inhibitors.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2022-09-29
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ISSN-L:  1999-4923
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