Implementation of Biorhythm Graph with Trigonometric Functions using Python release_xy63pjip35dc3ks7uj4pufkr5a

by Kang Gyu Bee, Student, My Paul School, Goesan, Republic of Korea, Jeon Ye Won, Student, My Paul School, Goesan, Republic of Korea

Published in MATTER International Journal of Science and Technology by Global Research & Development Services.

2023   Volume 9, p66-73


This study aimed to implement the researcher's biorhythm graph using a programing language called Python in relation to trigonometric functions. The etymology of biorhythm is a combination of two Greek words, Bio, which means life, and Rhythm, which means regular and accurate rhythm, and means the rules of human life rhythm. In other words, the biorhythm is a theory that everyone is governed by three rhythm curves called physical rhythm, emotional rhythm, and intellectual rhythm that start inside the body from birth to death. During this study, biorhythm and trigonometric functions were studied, and biorhythm graphs were implemented with trigonometric functions when the researcher's date of birth was entered through Python. A biorhythm graph was implemented based on Python, the most used programming language. The Python syntax used in the algorithm is typically a sympy function, a datetime function, arrange function, and a function. The value obtained after implementing the algorithm using this grammar is as follows. This is the result of implementing a biorhythm graph using the algorithm implemented by the two researchers. This paper can be used in various fields related to the relationship between biorhythms and trigonometric functions.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2023-07-15
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