Relaxed Skolam Mean Labeling of 5 – Star Graphs with Partition 3, 2 release_xrjc7nm5pndlzfqpyepf3j7lem

by D.S.T. Ramesh, Associate Professor Department of Mathematics in Nazareth Margoschis College, Pillayanmanai, Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu), India., D. Angel Jovanna, Research Scholar Department of Mathematics in Nazareth Margoschis College, Pillayanmanai, Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu), India.

Published in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP.

2021   Volume 11, p9-11


In this article, our main topic is about the existence of relaxed skolem mean labeling for a 5 – star graph G = K1,α ∪ K1,α ∪ K1,α ∪ K1, β ∪ K1, β 1 2 3 1 2 with partition 3, 2 with a certain condition. By using the trial and error method we find the existence of the relaxed skolam mean labeling of 5 - star graph with partition 3, 2 with a specific condition.
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Date   2021-12-30
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