Standardization of medical care provision to children: local clinical protocol of medical care for children with glomerulonephritis at the level of the hospital district release_xrfhvhrwfzahjipjsir2tjsaoq

by Volodymyr Bezruk, T.P. Andriychuk, Dmytro Ivanov, Svitlana Fomina, І.D. Shkrobanets

Published in Počki by Publishing House Zaslavsky.

2024   Volume 13, Issue 1, p2-17


Glomerulonephritis is one of the most common kidney diseases in children, which leads to the development of chronic kidney disease, chronic kidney failure, and early disability. According to statistical data (2022), glomerulonephritis is the second most common among acquired kidney childhood diseases after urinary tract infections in Ukraine. The system of standardization of medical care is focused on the development and implementation of medical and technological documents that help a doctor to act effectively in specific clinical situations, avoiding ineffective actions and interventions. The article considers the approaches to improving the quality of medical care for children at the regional level — a local clinical protocol of medical care for children with glomerulonephritis (coordination of the patient's clinical route and standardization of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures in health care facilities at the level of the hospital district).
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Date   2024-03-14
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