@article{hayashi_kozai_uchikawa_kimoto_tamura_nakajima_ono_arita_shintani_fukumoto_et al._2009, title={A Pilot Study for Establishment of Educational Guidelines of Pre-clinic Practice of Pediatric Dentistry in Japan}, volume={47}, DOI={10.11411/jspd.47.1_24}, number={1}, publisher={Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry}, author={HAYASHI, Fumiko and KOZAI, Katsuyuki and UCHIKAWA, Yoshimori and KIMOTO, Shigenari and TAMURA, Yasuo and NAKAJIMA, Ichiro and ONO, Toshiaki and ARITA, Kenji and SHINTANI, Seikou and FUKUMOTO, Satoshi and et al.}, year={2009} }