Comorbidities and treatment patterns in adult patients with atopic dermatitis: results from a nationwide multicenter study release_xig67kmb25g33ejef4cw5whqwa

by ANNA CAMPANATI, T. Bianchelli, R. Gesuita, C. Foti, G. Malara, G. Micali, P. Amerio, F. Rongioletti, M. Corazza, A. Patrizi, K. Peris, N. Pimpinelli (+33 others)

Published in Archives of Dermatological Research by Springer Science and Business Media LLC.

2021   Volume 314, Issue 6, p593-603


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title>Adult atopic dermatitis (adult AD) is a systemic inflammatory disorder, whose relationship with immune-allergic and metabolic comorbidities is not well established yet. Moreover, treatment of mild-to-moderate and severe atopic dermatitis needs standardization among clinicians. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of comorbidities, including metabolic abnormalities, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma, alopecia and sleep disturbance, according to severity of adult AD, and describe treatments most commonly used by Italian dermatologists. Retrospective, observational, nationwide study of adult patients over a 2-year period was performed. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained through review of medical records of patients aged ≥ 18 years, followed in 23 Italian National reference centres for atopic dermatitis between September 2016 and September 2018. The main measurements evaluated were disease severity, atopic and metabolic comorbidities, treatment type and duration. Six-hundred and eighty-four adult patients with AD were included into the study. Atopic, but not metabolic conditions, except for hypertension, were significantly associated with having moderate-to-severe AD in young adult patients. Disease duration was significantly associated with disease severity. Oral corticosteroids and cyclosporine were the most widely used immunosuppressant. Our study seems confirm the close relationship between adult AD and other atopic conditions, further long-term cohort studies on patients affected by adult AD need to be performed to evaluate the complex relationship between adult AD disease severity and metabolic comorbidities.
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Date   2021-06-07
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