@article{tajdini_taghadosi_pourmousa_jahan-latibari_safdari_2013, title={Study of the effective indices on imports of Wooden furniture in Iran}, volume={28}, DOI={10.22092/ijwpr.2013.2776}, abstractNote={Abstract: In the recent years due to the innovations taking place in the production, packaging and shipping of furniture, world trade of these products has grown substantially. This issue along with some outstanding problems in manufacturing and marketing various kinds of wooden has caused that furniture imports to Iran has enjoyed significant growth .In order to achieve the efficient and economic import, identify all factors that the perspective of experts led to prefer these products in compared with similar domestic production will be essential, therefore in this research in order to investigate the reasons for the expansion of the import quantities, the standardized questionnaires (certified by professionals and academic professors inĀ  four groups: Economics, Environment, Technical and Technological, and Consumption) are provided by use of documentary and survey research methods to investigate the effective indices on importing wooden furniture to Iran in order to describe the reasons of its widespread throughout Iranian experts. These main indexes indices of imports are rated by three methods: Likert spectrum, Duncan Test, and relative importance ratio of each index. We applied Likert spectrum on the whole statistical population and it shows that Environment index holds the first rank and Consumption, Technical and Technological, and Economics indexes are followed respectively. Duncan test shows Economics index has the first rank, Environment index holds the second place. Technical and Technological index are in the same place as Consumption index and according to the test there is no meaningful differences between them. On the other hand, using the relative importance ratio method we classified related occupations into 4 groups: producers, vendors/ distributers, importers, and consumers. We employed third method to see how these four groups evaluate the importance of each index. Results are as follows: PRODUCERS believe that Environment index is in the first place and then Economics, Technical and Technolog [...]}, publisher={Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST)}, author={Tajdini and Taghadosi and Pourmousa and Jahan-Latibari and Safdari}, year={2013} }