@article{aydogdu_2017, title={The structure of one weight linear and cyclic codes over Z_{2}^r x (Z_{2} + uZ_{2})^s}, DOI={10.11121/ijocta.01.2018.00512}, abstractNote={Inspired by the Z2Z4-additive codes, linear codes over Z_{2}^r x  (Z_{2} + uZ_{2})^s have been introduced by Aydogdu et al. more recently. Although these family of codes are similar to each other, linear codes over Z_{2}^r x  (Z_{2} + uZ_{2})^s have some advantages compared to Z2Z4-additive codes. A code is called constant weight(one weight) if all the codewords have the same weight. It is well known that constant weight or one weight codes have many important applications. In this paper, we study the structure of one weight Z2Z2[u]-linear and cyclic codes. We classify these type of one weight codes and also give some illustrative examples.        }, publisher={International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and Applications}, author={Aydogdu}, year={2017}, month={Dec} }