Construcción de plásmidos mediante clonación in vivo para la búsqueda y caracterización de oligopéptidos quelantes de hierro en <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> release_wut3g6stmjbm7h4nkqxw5r4gxy

by Pamela E. Canales, Alondra Ibriza Badillo Acuña, Ana Kitazono

Published in Revista Peruana de Biología by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion.

2024   Volume 31, Issue 2, e27218


Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast serves as a nutritional supplement and food additive that may offer highly bioavailable iron. Several studies have demonstrated the viability of using iron-chelating oligopeptides to treat anaemia, suggesting that their production in yeast cells could advantageously provide an easy-to-use supplement. In this study, an in vivo cloning strategy was optimized to construct a semi-random plasmid library that enables the production of oligopeptides with six repetitions of Asp/Glu-Asp/Glu-Leu sequences. In these sequences, the first and second positions can include either aspartate or glutamate residues, while the third is always leucine. Additionally, several plasmids were constructed to allow the study of variants of the Arg-Glu-Glu oligopeptide, previously reported as an iron chelator. In each case, the required plasmid constructions were performed using an in vivo cloning strategy in S. cerevisiae, based on gap repair by homologous recombination. The procedure involves the co-transformation of yeast cells with the linearized plasmid and the fragment to be cloned, both with homologous flanking sequences. The resulting transformants harbor the correctly assembled plasmids and begin expressing the cloned genes, thereby enabling immediate analysis of the synthesized oligopeptides with known or semi-random sequences.
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Date   2024-07-01
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