@article{muhsin_issa_2022, title={Study the pollution with sewage water in for the Al-Hussainiya area in Karbala Governorate – Iraq}, DOI={10.53730/ijhs.v6ns4.11259}, abstractNote={The research dealt with the study of some determinants of sewage pollution and evaluation of some of the trocars of Al-Hussainiya district, all the way to Lake Al-Razzaza In Karbala Governorate. Wastewater is the water that comes out of homes after being used for various purposes such as washing dishes, washing clothes. This study aims to determine the effect of sewage water on the quality of Lake Razzaza by analyzing the results of the characteristics of biological and physical indicators, where wastewater recorded values within the permissible environmental determinants of indicators  Acidic function (pH) and (PO4-3), while the indicators recorded a higher value than the environmental determinants (BOD), (COD), and (TSS).}, publisher={Universidad Tecnica de Manabi}, author={Muhsin, Safa H. and Issa, Murtadha J.}, year={2022}, month={Jul} }