Oxidative stress-related effects on various aspects of endometriosis release_woxxnxm6yrf7tm2lhgxczywk44

by Hossein Ansariniya, Abolfazl Yavari, Fateme Zare, Atiyeh Javaheri

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<jats:p id="p1">Endometriosis is a chronic and relatively common disease in women of childbearing age. Complications of this disease include a wide range of disorders. The cause of this disease is not known for sure, but several hypotheses have been proposed for it. In this disease, the entry of endometrial tissues into the peritoneal cavity causes oxidative stress through the Fenton reaction and inflammation in this site. Oxidative stress can be associated with many complications of endometriosis. In this review, an attempt has been made to discuss the effects of oxidative stress on various complications of this disease.
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