Structure of the human MDR3 gene and physical mapping of the human MDR locus release_wkv4o7xozreg7mockb3ljp6nfe

by C R Lincke, J J Smit, T van der Velde-Koerts, P Borst

Published in Journal of Biological Chemistry .

1991   Volume 266, Issue 8, p5303-10


Two genes, MDR1 and MDR3, constitute the human P-glycoprotein gene family. To examine the evolutionary relationship between the three known classes of mammalian P-glycoprotein genes, we have cloned the MDR3 gene and compared its structure with that of the human MDR1 and the mouse mdr1 (mdr1b) genes analyzed by other groups. The MDR3 gene contains 28 exons and 27 of these contain coding sequences for the two homologous halves of the protein that correlate with functional domains. This structure is virtually identical to that of the human MDR1 gene and the mouse mdr1 (mdr1b) gene, indicating that the exon/intron structure was fixed before the duplication events that generated different classes of P-glycoproteins, but after the P-glycoproteins diverged from related genes, like the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which has an entirely different exon/intron structure. The four alternatively spliced transcripts of the MDR3 gene arise from alternative splicing of exons 23 and 26. Our analysis of DNA clones covering about 120 kilobases (kb) of the human MDR locus, including the entire MDR3 gene (74 kb) and the intergenic region between both genes (34 kb), combined with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis data shows that the human MDR locus covers about 230 kb. In contrast to the mouse mdr genes, both human genes are transcribed in the same direction (MDR3 located downstream of MDR1). The CpG-rich sequences marking the 5' ends of both genes are hypomethylated to different extents in different cell lines. Hypomethylation roughly correlates with transcriptional activity.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   1991-03-15
Language   en ?
PubMed  2002063
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ISSN-L:  0021-9258
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