@article{roy_2022, title={Psychological stress and quality of life among Indian patients after breast cancer surgery}, DOI={10.53730/ijhs.v6ns8.13324}, abstractNote={Background: Breast cancer (BC) is the type of cancer that affects women most often all over the world. The patient's health is affected by stress as well as a bad quality of life (QOL).The purpose of the research being carried out is to evaluate the QOL of patients suffering from BC by determining the extent to which demographic and other important factors have an influence on their lives. Method: Study was conducted with total of 316 female breast cancer patients of R G Kar Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal. Data was collected from the patients through interview and questions related to socio-demographics of patients. WHOQOL (World health organization Quality of life) – BREF was another tool used for calculating QOL of BC patients based on 4 domains: physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environment. Result: It was found that women in the age group of 51 -60 have high quality of life and mean score was 59.3. The mean score in four areas were: for social relationship was 60.1, for psychological health was 61.3, for physical health was 56.5, as well as for environmental domain was 58.1. }, publisher={Universidad Tecnica de Manabi}, author={Roy, Debajit Kumar}, year={2022}, month={Oct} }