@article{b._v._d._2021, title={Functional status of COVID-19 patients at discharge from acute care}, DOI={10.18203/issn.2454-2156.intjscirep20214936}, abstractNote={<p class="abstract">Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a multisystem illness that can affect a person's mental and physical health exhibiting various physiological and behavioural symptoms. The long-term consequence of COVID -19 affects the quality of life of these patients. The quality of life depends on the status of the physical function. Hence the need to focus on post-COVID rehabilitation in addition to already existing acute care Physiotherapy. This case series, describes functional status of 5 patients at the time of discharge from the Tertiary Care Hospital. The evaluation is done on the day of discharge of each patient using six outcomes, namely Breath Holding Time, 1 Minute Sit to Stand Test, 6 Minute Walk test, Heel Raise Test, 4 Meter Gait Speed Test and muscle strength, to study the functional status. All the patients showed impairment in musculoskeletal capacity (one MSTS, manual muscle test, Heel raise test), functional capacity (6 MWT), lung capacity (BHT) and gait speed as compared to their normal values.This case series brings out the reduced functional status of COVID-19 patients in all domains of fitness at discharge. Thus, there is a dire need for Physiotherapy based holistic pulmonary rehabilitation even after discharge to prevent or delay the possible late manifestation of the disease.</p>}, publisher={Medip Academy}, author={B., Geete Dipti and V., Jaimala Shetye and D., Gawade Krutika}, year={2021}, month={Dec} }