@article{amtoft_1993, title={Strictness Types: An Inference Algorithm and an Application}, volume={22}, DOI={10.7146/dpb.v22i448.6765}, abstractNote={<p>This report deals with <em> strictness types</em>, a way of recording whether a function needs its argument(s) or not. We shall present an inference system for assigning strictness types to expressions and subsequently we transform this system into an <em>algorithm</em> capable of annotating expressions with strictness types. We give an example of a transformation which can be optimized by means of these annotations, and finally we prove the correctness of the optimized transformation -- at the same time proving the correctness of the annotation.</p><p>Everything has been implemented; documentation can be found in appendix.</p>}, number={448}, publisher={Aarhus University Library}, author={Amtoft}, year={1993}, month={Aug} }