Vascular thrombosis in acute hepatic allograft rejection: scintigraphic appearance release_vuxfwjk5lrep5mqcjmnxjjdaq4

by H C Williams, C F Pope, B N Siskind, R C Lange, M W Flye

Published in Journal of Nuclear Medicine .

1985   Volume 26, Issue 5, p478-81


Hepatobiliary imaging with 99mTc diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid was employed serially in a patient with an hepatic allograft, in order to follow the function of the transplant. Initially improving liver uptake and biliary excretion was observed; however, 12 days postoperative with clinical deterioration the scintigrams revealed an absence of uptake ("phantom" liver), due to thrombosis of the hepatic artery related to acute rejection. Hepatobiliary imaging can be helpful in the study of hepatic allografts.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   1985
Language   en ?
PubMed  3886854
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ISSN-L:  0161-5505
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