@article{sangilimadan_kutty_unni_2001, title={PROCESSING YIELDS, LOSSES AND MEAT TO BONE RATIO IN DESI SPENT DUCKS}, volume={32}, abstractNote={The duck meat available in India is mostly from spent ducks. Though yield data in respect of some of the exotic breeds of ducks and their crosses are available (Narayanankutty et al. 1982, Radhamma Pillai et al. 1982 and Kutty et al., 1983) very little information concerning yield of different parts of carcass of spent desi ducks could be traced. In the present work, the processing yields and losses, and meat to bone ratio in desi spent ducks, were therefore studied.}, publisher={Director of Academics and Research, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University}, author={Sangilimadan and kutty and Unni}, year={2001} }