Effect of food on selumetinib pharmacokinetics and gastrointestinal tolerability in adolescents with neurofibromatosis type 1-related plexiform neurofibromas
David Viskochil,
Mariusz Wysocki,
Maria Learoyd,
Peng Sun,
Karen So,
Azura Evans,
Francis Lai,
Héctor Salvador Hernàndez
2024 Volume 6, Issue 1, vdae036
Selumetinib is approved for the treatment of pediatric patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) who have symptomatic, inoperable plexiform neurofibromas (PN) in multiple countries, including the USA (≥2 years). Until recently, individuals had to take selumetinib twice daily (BID) in a fasted state. This study evaluated the effect of a low-fat meal on selumetinib PK parameters and gastrointestinal (GI) tolerability in adolescent participants with NF1-PN.
Eligible participants aged ≥12–&lt;18 years took 25 mg/m2 selumetinib BID with a low-fat meal (T1) for 28 days, followed by a 7-day washout, and then administration in a fasted state (T2) for another 28 days. Primary objectives were to evaluate the effect of a low-fat meal on AUC0−12,ss and GI tolerability after multiple selumetinib doses in T1 versus T2. Key secondary objectives were additional PK parameters, and adverse events (AEs).
At primary data cut-off, all 24 participants completed T1, and 23 participants completed T2. There were no significant differences in AUC0−12,ss between T1 and T2. In T1 and T2, 29.2% and 33.3% participants, respectively, reported ≥1 GI AE. No GI AEs Grade ≥3, or serious AEs, or GI AEs resulting in treatment interruptions, discontinuation, or dose reductions were reported in T1 and T2.
Dosing selumetinib with a low-fat meal had no clinically relevant impact on selumetinib AUC0−12,ss nor GI tolerability in adolescents with NF1-PN.
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