@article{rivas-valencia_rosales-rivas_ávila-quezada_martínez-martínez_2021, title={Economy of the mexican agriculture sector in times of COVID-19}, volume={39}, DOI={10.18781/r.mex.fit.2021-21}, abstractNote={<p>COVID-19, a pandemic disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, changed the production schemes and supply chains in all spheres of the world's economy. The agricultural sector in Mexico was no exception, although it has been so essential during the pandemic that its growth was higher than the other sectors of the Mexican economy and it stood out as a food supplier in the world in 2020. Farmers' vocations and the integration of productive food chains led to a surplus of 1.2 billion dollars, with an annual increase of 39.92%. The pandemic is a challenge and an opportunity for the Mexican countryside in terms of digital and technological innovation derived from border investigation. However, it is crucial to establish public agricultural planning policies to help optimize this area of opportunity by focusing on new production and national and international trade models, responding efficiently to national visions to benefit  producers-consumers and guaranteeing food security in the framework of the UN's international policies for sustainable development, the IPCC's reduction of climate impact and ensuring human health by the WHO.</p>}, publisher={Revista Mexicana de Fitopatologia, Mexican Journal of Phytopathology}, author={Rivas-Valencia, Patricia and Rosales-Rivas, Leonardo Ángel and Ávila-Quezada, Graciela Dolores and Martínez-Martínez, Talina Olivia}, year={2021}, month={Dec} }