Edge Magneto-Fingerprints in Disordered Graphene Nanoribbons release_vdkoxwsn7ngjljlmux2gozfvje

by Jean-Marie Poumirol, Alessandro Cresti, Stephan Roche, Walter Escoffier, Michel Goiran, Xinran Wang, Xiaolin Li, Hongjie Dai, Bertrand Raquet

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We report on (magneto)-transport experiments in chemically derived narrow graphene nanoribbons under high magnetic fields (up to 60 Tesla). Evidences of field-dependent electronic confinement features are given, and allow estimating the possible ribbon edge symmetry. Besides, the measured large positive magnetoconductance indicates a strong suppression of backscattering induced by the magnetic field. Such scenario is supported by quantum simulations which consider different types of underlying disorders (smooth edge disorder and long range Coulomb scatters).
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2010-02-24
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  1002.4571v1
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Revision: 41436d51-0e32-4011-817a-6f5b40f88cca