@article{schumann_hummert_lukoyanov_chudakova_fedushkin_2007, title={Organometallic Compounds of the Lanthanides 182 [1]. Calcium and Neodymium Complexes Containing the dpp-BIAN Ligand System: Synthesis and Molecular Structure of [(dpp-BIAN)CaI(THF)2]2 and [(dpp-BIAN)NdCl(THF)2]2}, volume={62}, DOI={10.1515/znb-2007-0901}, abstractNote={Oxydation of (dpp-BIAN)Ca(THF)4 with 0.5 equiv. of I2 in THF yields [(dpp-BIAN)CaI(THF)2]2 (1). A corresponding neodymium compound [(dpp-BIAN)NdCl(THF)2]2 (2) has been obtained by reaction of (dpp-BIAN)Na2 with NdCl3 in THF. The X-ray single crystal structure analyses show 1 and 2 to be isostructural dimers containing octahedrally coordinated metal atoms bridged by the respective halides. The chelating dpp-BIAN ligand acts as a radical anion in the Ca2+ complex 1 and as a dianion in the Nd3+ complex 2, respectively.}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Schumann and Hummert and Lukoyanov and Chudakova and Fedushkin}, year={2007}, month={Sep} }